
阅读:0 来源: 发表时间:2023-06-14 09:48作者:八卦会火
    接要: 有很多朋友想要了解相关的资讯,下面给大家介绍一下 电影老爷车的英文简介电影简介: Gran Torino is a 2008 American drama film directed ...

有很多朋友想要了解相关的资讯,下面给大家介绍一下 电影老爷车的英文简介电影简介: Gran Torino is a 2008 American drama film directed


电影简介: Gran Torino is a 2008 American drama film directed by, proced by, and starring Clint Eastwood, and also starring Bee Vang and Ahney Her. The film marks Eastwood’s return to a lead acting role after four years, his previous leading role having been in Million Dollar baby, and Eastwood has stated that this is his final film as an actor. The film features a large Hmong American cast, as well as one of Eastwood’s younger sons, Scott Eastwood, playing Trey. Eastwood’s oldest son, Kyle Eastwood, provided the score. The film opened to theaters in a limited release in North America on December 12, 2008, and later to a worldwide release on January 9, 2009.It was the first mainstream U.S. film to feature Hmong Americans. The story follows Walt Kowalski, a recently widowed Korean War veteran who is alienated from his family and angry at the world. Walt’s young Hmong neighbor, Thao Vang Lor, is pressured into trying to steal Walt’s prized 1972 Ford Gran Torino by his cousin for his initiation into a gang. Walt then develops a relationship with the boy and his family. Gran Torino was a critical and commercial success, grossing over $260 million worldwide. Within the Hmong community in the United States, the film had some praise and some criticism.情节简介:Plot:Walt Kowalski (Clint Eastwood), a gruff retired Polish American Ford factory worker and Korean War US Army veteran, has recently been widowed after 50 years of marriage. His neighborhood near Detroit in Highland Park, Michigan, formerly populated by working-class white families, is now dominated by poor Asian immigrants, and gang violence is commonplace. Adding to the isolation he feels is the emotional detachment of his family, noticed in the irreverence of his grandchildren ring his late wife’s funeral and the indifference of their parents. He vehemently rejects a suggestion from one of his sons to move to a retirement community (sensing they want his home and possessions), and lives alone with his labrador retriever, Daisy. Walt suffers from coughing fits, occasionally coughing up blood, but conceals this from his family. Father Janovich, the young Catholic priest in whom his wife had confided, tries to comfort him, but Walt openly disdains the much younger, inexperienced man.The Hmong Vang Lor family reside next door to Walt. Initially, he wants nothing to do with his new neighbors, particularly after he catches Thao Vang Lor, a member of that family, attempting to steal his 1972 Ford Gran Torino as a coerced initiation into a Hmong gang run by Thao’s cousin, “Spider”. The gang is infuriated and attacks Thao, but Walt confronts them with an M1 Garand rifle and chases them off, earning the respect of the Hmong community. As penance, Thao’s mother makes him work for Walt, who has him do odd jobs around the neighborhood, and graally the two form a grudging respect for each other, aided by Thao’s sister Sue. Walt helps Thao get a construction job and gives him advice on dating a popular Hmong girl, Youa, whom he calls “Yum Yum.”The gang continues to pressure Thao and again assaults him, on his way home from work. Walt sees Thao’s injuries and visits the gang members’ house where he attacks a gang member. In retaliation, the gang performs a drive-by shooting on the Vang Lor home, injuring Thao, and kidnapping and raping Sue. The next day, Thao seeks Walt’s help to exact revenge, who tells him to return later in the afternoon. In the meantime, Walt makes personal preparations: he buys a fitted suit, gets a haircut and makes a confession to Father Janovich. When Thao returns, Walt takes him to the basement and gives him his Silver Star; Walt then locks Thao in his basement and tells him that he has been haunted by the memory of killing an enemy soldier (which he had not confessed to Janovich) and insists that Thao must never be haunted with the experience of killing another man.Walt drives to the house of the gang members. When they spot him, they draw their weapons. He talks loudly (openly berating them), drawing the attention of the neighbors. Putting a cigarette in his mouth, he asks for a light; he then slowly puts his hand in his jacket then provocatively pulls it out as if it’s a gun, inciting the gang members to shoot and kill him. As he falls to the ground, his hand opens to reveal an Army lighter: he was unarmed. Sue frees Thao and they drive to the crime scene in Walt’s Gran Torino. A Hmong police officer tells them the gang will be arrested and imprisoned for a long time for murder e to the number of willing neighborhood witnesses.Walt’s funeral mass is performed by Father Janovich and attended not only by his family, but also by Thao, Sue, and many of the Hmong community. Afterward, his last will and testament is read, and to the surprise of his family, Walt leaves them nothing: his house goes to the church and his cherished Gran Torino to Thao. As the film ends, Thao is seen driving the car along Lakeshore Drive with Walt’s dog, Daisy.P.S:英文版维基百科上的官方原版





《吉纳维芙老爷车》(英国)编剧:威廉-罗斯导演:亨利-科尼利厄斯主演:黛娜-谢里登、约翰-格雷森故事梗概:艾伦有一辆五十多年前生产的吉纳维芙老爷车。周末了,艾伦报名参加了老爷车俱乐部组织的来往布赖顿的活动。艾伦满心希望妻子文迪也能和自己一同前往,可回到家里才知道,妻子准备出席朋友塔尼娅的周末酒会。当发现艾伦为自己买的礼物后,文迪改变了主意,决定随艾伦一起参加活动。浩大的老爷车队出发了,艾伦的老伙计安布若斯带着他新认识的女朋友诺萨尼也在其中。艾伦和安布若斯不仅是一对老朋友,就连他和文迪的婚姻,当初也是安布若斯牵的线。可正因为如此,艾伦一直对婚前文迪和安布若斯的关系持有怀疑,在出席到达布赖顿后的酒会时,当看到翩翩起舞的文迪和安布若斯时,由此产生的醋意使他甚为恼怒,以至于有点不自量力地接受了安布若斯的挑战:返回时,看谁先到威斯敏斯特大桥。返回的路上,安布若斯傲慢地让艾伦先走,自己随后追上。在随后的行程中,艾伦和安布若斯虽然相互作弄和算计,但几乎在同一时间到达离大桥不远的地方。这时,戏剧性的场面出现了。就在安布若斯超过自己即将抵达大桥时,安布若斯的老爷车因陷入电车轨道,偏离了正常的方向,而艾伦那辆因超速行驶而几乎散架的吉纳维芙却抢先一步驶上了威斯敏斯特大桥。精彩视点:”老爷车”比赛是英国传统的比赛项目,参赛者不以比赛为主要目的,而是希望通过比赛展示各自 “老爷车”的独特风采。在本片中,观众不仅可以观看到”老爷车”的风采,而且也能领略到英国影坛”美女”黛娜-谢里登的出色演技


1、我真的不理解,整部电影想要表达什么——要表达的是:暴力与仇视,不解决任何问题!(就算是,看似名正言顺的,以暴制暴,也只会,激起更多的报复与仇恨;仇视别人,仇视任何一个种族,都是没有道理的,他们与你,完完全全一样,是有血有肉,有情有义的人。)2、之前断断续续的与亚裔邻居的相处 ——是要用事实,来反衬一下,种种战争理由的荒谬。人与人,终究得以生存的原因,还是共处,而不是杀戮。所谓的战争理由,根本站不住脚,为上帝,为和平,为自由,为民主,为国家,为父母,……——回顾一下,老爷子一生:美国出生,生理长大后(真的长大不是孩子了?),应征入伍,去朝鲜半岛打仗,去杀东方人,为上帝,为和平,为自由,为民主,为国家,为父母,……一次战斗,身边全排的队友被杀,只身一人生还。战争结束之前,大约杀了13个“敌人”,包括,手无寸铁的平民孩子,心灵无法得到安宁,政府却给自己这个杀人恶魔,发了一个十字勋章。战后,终于有个女人,走进他的生活,让他视为天使,成为他的妻子,让他重新进入正常的人类生活。有了两个孩子,可都是男孩,让他时时想起,被他杀掉的平民孩子,无法与儿子们接近或交流,父子关系很生疏,那就意味着,当妻子死后,这个世界,再也没有可以接纳他的空间了。两个儿子,终于长大,成家立业。老人的妻子,也老了、病了、死了。父子两代,依然无法交流,爷孙两代,更是难以相溶。儿子、孙子辈,所关心的,全是利益相关的东西,物欲横流,人性泯灭。而又与老爷子没有多少交流,所以在他们心中,老爷子完全只是个无法沟通的顽固老头。老爷子,像个斗士一样,固执地守护在老房子里,自给自足,自己修理维护房子,自己拿枪保卫自己。不去儿子们家里住,不去老年人社区。可身边的邻居们,早应慢慢变成,躲避越战,迁来的难民。终生与东方人为敌,不共戴天,老了却不得不与东方人为邻。老爷子一肚子气。可是,慢慢发现,东方人,也是人,有情感,有道义,能交流。对逃难的苗族人来说,逃到美国,也不是进入了天堂,生活多艰。女孩还好,可以去上大学,然后再找工作,男孩们,只有进黑帮,再去坐牢。于是,老人教这个偷他的老爷车的小伙邵,怎么做手工活,如何谈吐像个大人,并介绍他到一个老朋友的工地上干活,以过正常人的生活。可小黑帮,还是不放过小伙邵,揍了他一顿。老人认为,应以暴制暴,教训一下这帮混小子,就找了个机会,单独暴揍了混混们的小头头。可让老人意想不到的是,黑帮就是黑帮,无论是由小孩组成,还是大人组织的。黑帮报复老人,不是去找老人,而是把邵的姐姐,揍成血人,并恐吓式地枪扫了一遍邵家的房子。老人要发疯了,想了很久后,作出了自己的决定。老人平生,第一次去教堂忏悔。请注意,老人的忏悔内容,他忏悔,从没好好地与身边长大的两个儿子交流,让他们缺乏父爱,可是,他并没有忏悔,无法与儿子交流的原因,真正让他后悔终生的本质——他枪杀过手无寸铁的平民小孩。为什么不忏悔滥杀无辜,因为他从不相信,单单语言上的忏悔,就能弥补什么,就能改变什么,真正的忏悔,是他接下来的行动。为什么去忏悔,是因为,他要完成他妻子的这个临终遗愿。唯一了解他,接纳他,关心他的妻子,希望他能通过忏悔,打开心结,没有了自己,他也能好好活下去。于是,真正的忏悔展开了,把决心杀光黑帮的邵骗来,把十字勋章给他,把他关在自己家房子里,然后只身一人来到黑帮老窝,一阵吵闹把所有邻居都引出来作目击证人,用快速掏打火机的动作,骗黑帮们以为他要掏枪。黑帮们,集体开了枪,老人死了,黑帮全部被抓走,这片社区安宁了。邵,也不必走他的老路,以杀止杀,以暴制暴了。老人也能安心地走了,毕竟,真正的忏悔,完成了。

